Monday, February 23, 2009

Holiday plans

I have just emerged from the warzones of exams... dazed, wounded and barely alive. It dreads me that he might have to return for another battle.

No seriously. I know you guys keep telling me to chill and stop dreading supplementary papers, to stop being so pessimistic and stuff. But the truth is, I did not put in any real effort during this term, and screwing up exams big time is only what i deserve. Argh. Hopefully i can manage a D for edev and Dfund, and hopefully biochem can be reasonable. rrr

But enough ranting. Heres something to liven up the mood!

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh yeah!

Plans for long holidays! Have way too much to do.

1. Play guitar everyday. Must instill this discipline
2. Play harmonica.
3. Play guitar and harmonica at the same time.
4. Draw
5. Write songs.
6. Play guitar
7. Tidy up my room
8. Then re-deco/paint it.
9. Play guitar
10. Find work?
11. Exercise
12. Play basketball
13. Play guitar
14. Study lol

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