Thursday, January 8, 2009

The scareeeee post!!! Eek!

Warning: The pictures that you are about to see can be FRIGHTENING to some, and may cause nausea, nightmares, bulimia and measles.

This picture is only a test of your courage to determine if you can stomach the other pictures.

What is your response?

A)Woah! That frightened me at first, but its just a silly old photo that is really not too scary.
B)..... A picture of a big scary-looking house. Whatever

If your response is A or B, you should be able to see the next few pics without much problem. If your response is C, be warned that the next few pictures could be scarier, and I advise you to not see the rest of the post. Why?

The next few photos are real, I took them, and they are pictures of reclusive beings that literally flew into my house, scaring the living daylights out of my family. In history, literature and popular thinking, these beings are associated with death, ghosts, bad news, the consumption of blood, and a brooding superhero.

If you are the type who are easily nauseated by the bloodcurdling stuff like Channel 5s Incredible Tales, James Lee's Mr.Midnight and the ending of Channel 8's The Little Nonya, please do not continue reading this post. To be fair I will leave some space in between this disclaimer and the scary photos.



ITS GETTING CLOSER!!!! OH NOES!!!!!!111111111

Thats a bat. On a fan. IN MY HOUSE. They can get irritating. I'm at home, minding my own business, when suddenly, something flutters around. And they are much bigger then I thought. When they fly away, it scares me because they are so big, and I'm so near, it seems like they are going to attack me.

They can shoot laser beams out of their eyes! No lah... If you are wondering why their eyes got light one, its because I used camera flash.

But the most irritating thing is that they make a mess on the floor!

Those are fruits by the way.

So they pick their food, and decided to eat it in my house. This has got to stop. At first I thought they were pretty cute... But now i realise they can get quite scary. AND THEY CAN GET IRRITATING...

Lol i wonder... if i get bitten by a bat... will i turn into a vampire? I don't want to be a vampire. Vampires are emo. I rather be a werewolf. At least I will be normal for 3/4 of the month. So please, bats, please no bite me.

But srsly, sometimes i feel sorry for them... All they want is somewhere to have a good meal in peace... But us humans destroyed their bat-caves and trees and they got nowhere to go. So they go to my house. Poor things.

I'm sorry bats, as much as we humans have encroached on your space by destroying your natural habitats and putting up ugly looking concrete buildings, you can't stay in my house. Lifes not fair. If i can find a peaceful home for all of you where you can eat your fruits without irritating humans around I would... but pls no use my house.

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