Here is a picture of the one watermelon survivor with my family.
And this is the resilient produce being slaughtered for our pleasure at my grandma's place with the whole bunch of my father's side. By some miracle they are all in Singapore, and we could have a nice reunion together.
What a fool that this one chose to live. He should have learn about the others of his kind. He will pay.
Die fool.
The ritual sacrifice begins
It was a necessary death
All cut nicely
Om nom nom. That's my aunt btw.
The bloody carnage after it was all over.
The watermelon turned out to be a success. Yeah, only one survived, and it was pretty small, but you got to hand it to my dad, a first time watermelon-farmer. It was really sweet and delicious! He better grow more lol
And after what seems like eternity, i got to meet my cousins from my mum side this time! Alwight.
Long overdue reunion.
Glad to see that the 2 twins are as retarded and ever. Now with ang moh accent spewing internet memes all over. ( ai herd dei liek mudkip)
And just to piss her off, heres an unglam pic of April. ^^
Happy New Year all!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Ben has barely survived one of those more-stressful-than-others weeks in school. Thwee cheers for him.
I have finally succumbed to peer pressure and became a sheep in the flock. I've joined facebook.
I shall now watch as my email gets flooded with ppl accepting me as their friends.
I want to be your friend. Will you be my friend? Be my friend dammit.
I tried to learn guitar chords for modern pop-rock songs... so that i can at least play some of the stuff that the kids and friends in church like... songs like Yellowcard's Only One (okay), Boys Like Girls' Thunder (eeew come to think of it its a crappy song and band) and One Republic songs (a closet guilty pleasure of mine).
But i gave up on learning all of them after hearing Rise Against's Hero Of War. Now i only stum this song lol.
I realised why i don't listen to mainstream rock and pop-rock and pop... It sucks. The singers all sound the same. The melody structure follows the same structure as boybands, i.e. easy listening, memorable verse melody but lack real gritty thought-provoking substance. Electric guitars are non-existent (whats rock music without them?). Singers sound like they never reached puberty. Most are one hit wonders (well, maybe you can call them 2-3 hit wonders, but that elevates them only to the level of boybands)
And don't get me started on pop-punk! Yuck! The worst subset of rock music... its so fail it doesnt deserve a place in the rock music family. Every, I repeat, every singer have the same voice, and its a pre-pubescent whiny crybaby voice. The chord stucture is the same throughout every song(I, Minor, IV V, repeat), guitars are just high pitched power chords, lyrics are restricted to break-ups, new love, and masturbation. Melody is the irritating kind that gets stuck in your head. POP-PUNK SUCKS!!!!!
Sorry, i grew up listening to a few real punk rock music... Very little mainstream elements in them, they don't hold back on aggresion and distortion... stuff like The Offspring, The Ramones, Rise Against.... So i know that punk has so much potential than the "pop" kind you hear on the radio
And nowadays i stopped listening to music just for the music and opened my ears to the lyrics. The lyrics of pop-rock songs are at best okay, i guess, but there are more lyrical themes other than love, break-ups, finding love, walking together... notice the similiarity with boybands here?
Yes, I'm talking about the themes usually explored by political punk bands, not-too-Christian bands, metal bands and such. Themes like politics, violence, death, brotherly love, stepping up for our society, war, religion, peace, basically all the hippie stuff but darker.
Enough of ranting about music. I want to get back to the main feature of this post: Rise Against's Hero Of War. Its my new favourite song. Heres a homemade Youtube video.
Rise Against is punk rock band that i heard a few songs years ago...They sing alot about politics, society, suffering, rebellion but also sometimes the standard fare of love and hate... Only last year did i get to hear more of their songs... They are a harder kind of punk band, meaning they lean on the hardcore side.. They scream some of their choruses ala Foo Fighters style(but even more xiong). But this is the first time i heard an acoustic song from them.
If you took the time to hear the song, and even watch the video, i'm sure that it somehow got those brain cells working a bit. Even if the music doesn't really suits your taste, surely the lyrics must have gave you a new viewpoint of soldiers, essentially but not necessarily American.
I personally feel the melody is great, on the mainstream side, like today's pop-rock ballads... but this song conveys more emotion that the other modern ballads i heard. The lyrics actually have substance. (Pissed in his hands... surely thats an eye-opening line? Shit like these happens in this world btw) The chord structure is simple, again similiar to others, but the whole song just.... trumps the rest.
The song gave me a few different perspectives: The persona, a soldier most likely an American (they wrote the song in such a way it could be ambigious, but the first verse, involving how the soldier got influenced into joining the army, is uniquely American).
His ideology of war changes in 4 minutes of the song: From a gung-ho, proud new recruit, wanting to be a hero of war, to a callous commanding soldier, although having a little conscience left, does his job in a slightly cold-hearted way.
Soon, he guns down a civilian woman, which i assumed he feared to be hostile, but couldn't discern through the chaos and battle(soldiers face this shit. Thats why sometimes they shoot innocents or friendly soldiers: Its hard to discern whos friend and whos foe in the thick of battle). Upon realising that the woman was holding the white flag of surrender, his whole attitude towards being a "hero of war" change.
Then theres the perspectives of the others: The captured man, his family and friends, the children around, the lady with the white flag: All victims of war
Rise Against's newest album, where Hero of War is taken from. Thinking of buying it.
It made me think about us... we have never gone through war, and some if not all of us will/has not lose/lost a loved one through war, let alone be inside a war-torn area. Truly we are blessed, but what about others?
And what about the soldier? America, desperate for recruits, resort in aggressive marketing to portray being in the army as cool, hip and heroic. Many youths, swayed by the charisma of soldiers giving talks in schools and a sense of patriotism, signed up, not knowing the consequences of almost inevitability getting into a warzone.
I just wanna say that theres better music out there that the mass-produced radio hits that most ppl listen to... Hopefully I can introduce a little bit of those to you guys. In turn, you guys usually corrupt me with pop music too, haha, so its fair lol. :)
This one might be a little controversial... pls don't be alarmed. Sometimes people try to imagine whats going on in someone else's thoughts and mind, but they might not reflect the own opinions and attitude of themselves.
Killing Fields Of Hate
Killing fields of hate Killing fields of blood so red How I love to fight in your Killing fields of hate
See these guns and bombs of mine With these I put my life on the line And on the blood of innocents I shall dine
See all this unbridled rage Demons released from its cage Soon I will turn the page
What for? I don’t know For peace? Love? Justice? God? It seems that death is the only way
Maybe I’m brainwashed. Maybe I’m possessed Or maybe I just love to be in the
Killing fields of hate Killing fields of blood so red How I love to die In your killing fields of hate
See the lies I have swallowed And the ammunition I have borrowed Hatred and prejudice soon followed
See the people in the meadow If only they just lined up and follow Where they deserved to be they shall go
What for? Personal gain? Someone arrest me or I’ll kill them Corrupted by the inconvenient truth of man Maybe I’m crazy Maybe I’m suicidal Or maybe I just love to be in the
Killing fields of hate Killing fields of blood so red How everyone is going to suffer In my personal fields of hate
If you are still blur on whats going on.... its about terrorism lah. No, I don't feel this way lah. Lets just say I'm trying imagine whats going on in stereotypical characters' (i.e. the terrorist) thoughts. Still dunno ask your Lit teacher. Man, I miss lit alot.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
People collecting O Level results:
Good Luck!!!
May God guide you as you take your next big step in life!
Lost my precious file x.x
At TP open house, there was this band playing "Have A Nice Day" by Stereophonics.
Now I know there are some people who also listen to the stuff I do.
Seriously: Screw Pop-punk. Its corrupting the music tastes of our youths.
Warning: The pictures that you are about to see can be FRIGHTENING to some, and may cause nausea, nightmares, bulimia and measles.
This picture is only a test of your courage to determine if you can stomach the other pictures.
What is your response?
A)Woah! That frightened me at first, but its just a silly old photo that is really not too scary. B)..... A picture of a big scary-looking house. Whatever C)UGH DAMN YOU BEN YOU MADE ME SEE THIS NOW I CAN'T SLEEP ON MY OWN TONIGHT!
If your response is A or B, you should be able to see the next few pics without much problem. If your response is C, be warned that the next few pictures could be scarier, and I advise you to not see the rest of the post. Why?
The next few photos are real, I took them, and they are pictures of reclusive beings that literally flew into my house, scaring the living daylights out of my family. In history, literature and popular thinking, these beings are associated with death, ghosts, bad news, the consumption of blood, and a brooding superhero.
If you are the type who are easily nauseated by the bloodcurdling stuff like Channel 5s Incredible Tales, James Lee's Mr.Midnight and the ending of Channel 8's The Little Nonya, please do not continue reading this post. To be fair I will leave some space in between this disclaimer and the scary photos.
ITS GETTING CLOSER!!!! OH NOES!!!!!!111111111
Thats a bat. On a fan. IN MY HOUSE. They can get irritating. I'm at home, minding my own business, when suddenly, something flutters around. And they are much bigger then I thought. When they fly away, it scares me because they are so big, and I'm so near, it seems like they are going to attack me.
They can shoot laser beams out of their eyes! No lah... If you are wondering why their eyes got light one, its because I used camera flash.
But the most irritating thing is that they make a mess on the floor!
Those are fruits by the way.
So they pick their food, and decided to eat it in my house. This has got to stop. At first I thought they were pretty cute... But now i realise they can get quite scary. AND THEY CAN GET IRRITATING...
Lol i wonder... if i get bitten by a bat... will i turn into a vampire? I don't want to be a vampire. Vampires are emo. I rather be a werewolf. At least I will be normal for 3/4 of the month. So please, bats, please no bite me.
But srsly, sometimes i feel sorry for them... All they want is somewhere to have a good meal in peace... But us humans destroyed their bat-caves and trees and they got nowhere to go. So they go to my house. Poor things.
I'm sorry bats, as much as we humans have encroached on your space by destroying your natural habitats and putting up ugly looking concrete buildings, you can't stay in my house. Lifes not fair. If i can find a peaceful home for all of you where you can eat your fruits without irritating humans around I would... but pls no use my house.
Can't read my handwriting? Dun worry, improving it one of my resolutions. So for now:
As we celebrate the coming of the new year With much merriment and festive cheer Lets not forget the people who can't do so For they are in need and full of woe
We might think we had a bad year With so much stress and so much to fear But can we relate to the poor child Who have nothing to eat, not even for awhile?
There's poverty and injustice, genocide and war And many things that never happened before Some (people) may not make it past midnight Never to see the new year, never to see the light
We have so many wants and complains We look back by counting our losses and gains But sometimes we are truly blessed We can live well and we have the best
Why don't we all make a new resolution To do something for the world and be part of the solution
So lets say a prayer for the year ahead For those are in need, For those who are afraid.
Delay posting due to irritating scanner issues. Anyone knows why my com cannot detect my canon mp160? it was working fine in the same com last time.
30 hours in a nutshell, 31st Dec - 1st Jan
-Fast day at school. We need more of those
Ajisen Ramen with Roy, Reub, Jason and Charlie. Ajisen Ramen still fail.
Made a full of myself with my own unique style of Para-Para. Everytime i play para para with my friends, its for the sole purpose of entertaining them. I mean, look at the real paratards. pffft. boring. They just stay rooted to the ground, stone-faced, swinging their wrists as if they're in a trance. YES YOU ROYSTON! >:D
They forgot the simple but effective para skill: Legs!
If only they had, like, normal songs, and not the japanese techno crap. Micheal Jackson Revolution anyone? Or Riverdance Riverdance Revolution: Beats of Ireland
Went home, ran, ran back home, ate steamboat dinner with whats left of my mothers' side of the family in Singapore minus ah foo and popo.
Steamboat at Golden Mile has been there since Biblical times.
Talking about Biblical times, i decided to count down the year the guai hai zi way: Church.
Crybaby room aka overflow room aka Praise Gallery fail. PKM's sermons as simple yet effective as ever. IMMEDIATELY!!!!
All nighter at Liang Zhi's house. First time playing mah jong in real life. I WON A GAME!!!! 2nd game some more leh. Abit unfair, cause those who were not playing helped me alot. Lol i must have pissed offthe rest (Jacko, Sheldon, Sam) by being so blur and asking so many questions, when actually i already know how to play. PONG AH!!!!! Shlosed folks. No offecne to a bit bossy sloshed girl :x It might be big, but its $1.50
Lead guys to eat prata near my house (Kelyn's and Racheal's suggestion) Everyone was too sloshed or full to eat, and for the first time in my life i struggled with only 2 roti teluar.
Androo, Ed, Ken and Leon came down to my house to borrow DVDs and try tonelab.
That is all.
January 2nd.
Dad woke me up very early today. I took bus 24. I thought it would go to bedok reservoir but thats 28. When i realised it didn't i thought it would go tampines. Ended up in Changi Airport. X/ When i finally reached TP I suddenly needed to shit. That wasted 10 mins.
So i came to school like 1 hour 15 min late.
Played damn fun childish games with friends. Thanks roo(ben) for teaching us these games.
Then we had Lgeeeeeeee.... quite bittersweet to end off studying Daniel with so little ppl. :/
Screw: .War.Hate.Pollution.Apathy.Killing. .Sin.Anger.Deception.Cruelty.Injustice. .Terrorism.Racism.Wrongism. Letter R.
Unnecessary Wants: .Guitars.Harmonicas.Toys.Cameras.Pedals. .Attention.Money.Holidays.Chocolate.a dog. .Cheesecake.Headbangin'.Moshin'.Chillin'. .Stationary.Games.Skills.Chops.Grades. You to link me dammit.'
Random quote of the moment:
"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you. "
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